Interview of the USUE Rector Yakov Silin to the radio Komsomolskaya Pravda - Yekaterinburg

- Yakov Petrovich, the admission campaign has just ended. What are the results?

- Ural State University of Economics  is completing the admission campaign. About 50 thousand applications have been submitted for all forms and areas of training.

In 2017-2018 academic year, 600 state-funded entrants will start their studies on all forms of training, and it is planned to sign contracts with more than five thousand students. August 28 was the last date for bachelor’s and master’s programs enrollment. The deadline for enrollment for the extramural master’s courses is 15 November.

If we talk about enrollment competition for state-funded places, this year   for economic tracks it was 30 per place, for service tracks  - 46, for information tracks - 28, for engineering - 12, and for technological - 12. For fee-paying places the enrollment competition was 4 persons for each place. For extramural courses, 7 people applied for one state-funded place in all areas. The enrollment under contracts is still going on.

To date, statistics show that the enrollment campaign in 2017 is at the last year level.

- Which areas were mostly in demand this year?

– This year, the popular areas of training included "Informatics and Computer Engineering", "Applied Informatics" and "Information Security", "Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems". Traditionally popular specialties at our University are "Economics" and "Jurisprudence".

– Please share your plans for the academic year. What could new entrants expect?

 – As for today, at USUE one can receive education in 20 traditional bachelor's areas and in 9 areas of master’s. We established three new departments last year, including the Department of Logistics: this is a very interesting track. We are reviving the engineering block. To this end, a single laboratory complex has been established at the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service: new premises have been allocated, equipment has been purchased.

We have developed a new curriculum for 4 years of bachelor's and 2 years of master’s studies, following which the University will train specialists in logistics. The necessity of this is that there is an enormous concentration of transport and financial infrastructure in the Sverdlovsk region and the Urals due to the unique geostrategic position within the Eurasian continent.

We also created the Department of Economics of Social Sphere. It includes the economics of health, education, social protection, sports, culture, and youth policy –more than 4,000 institutions in total.

The University also faces a task to revive engineers training We have always been a university of an economic and technological profile, and we continue to train personnel for the agro-processing complex of the food industry. Such area of training existed only with us, and we have restored it.

Some changes affected the Institute of Management and Information Technologies. This year, a new educational track in English - "International Management" - appeared in the master courses. There is a special Department of Business Foreign Language, which is designed not for foreign but for our students. In the Sverdlovsk region, there are a lot of foreign enterprises, and if specialists do not know a foreign language, this is a problem. At our Institute, they teach six foreign languages. I would like to note that the most in-demand specialists at the federal level, even in Moscow, are our graduates. 80 percent of them find a job in one’s degree field immediately after receiving the diploma.

We opened new tracks in some disciplines, which existed in no university at the Urals. We founded two new dissertational councils - on food technologies and on economics. The latter was opened jointly with South Ural State University and consists of three disciplines: finance, marketing, and management.

Of great importance is the state of facilities that accompanies the educational process. For example, we have completed a major renovation of the Recreation Center. Now we are doing a major overhaul of the sports complex. There will also be new storage facilities; we will repair auditoriums in two buildings. We plan to purchase a minimum of 225 computers. We are expanding museum funds. We also deal with recreation at the Tavatuy lake.

Thus, we are strengthening the scientific and educational base, so that there would be a greater interest in entering our University. If you want to get a high-quality economic education, you should go to us without experimenting with other universities. We are the only specialized economic university in the Urals.

Яков Силин в прямом эфире рассказал об итогах приемной кампании и планах на новый учебный год

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