USUE Rector Yakov Silin gave an interview to the radio «Komsomolskaya Pravda – Ural» Yekaterinburg

July 6, Yakov Silin live on radio «Komsomolskaya Pravda – Ural» Yekaterinburg told about the beginning of the admission campaign, interaction of the University with industrial enterprises of the region, and about the anniversary of the University.

- Yakov Petrovich, good afternoon! The University launched the 2017/2018 admission campaign: what will USUE offer to new entrants?

- Ural State University of Economics received admission quotas (state-funded places) for 2018-2019 academic year. It is important that these quotas are increased in comparison with 2017-2018 academic year. The number of state-funded places for the full-time bachelor's studies have grown by almost 14%, and for aster’s studies - by 30%. For the first time there are 14 state-funded places for the full-time bachelor's training in «Jurisprudence». 

In 2017/2018 academic year, new master's programs will appear: International Business, Integrated Logistics, Budget Accounting and Control, Residential Property Management, Intelligent Data Analysis, and International Management (in English). The master’s programs allocate 210 state-funded places for different areas and forms of training. 

The University is ready to receive for training many foreign students. Last year we purchased 100 computers, this year, we plan at least 225 computers more. We have renovated and equipped our Recreation Center. From July the sports center will be completely restored - for the first time since the foundation of the University. 

- How is the process of University integration into the economy of the region going on? 

- Our University for nearly half a century, trains high-skilled specialists for rapidly developing industries: economists, financiers, accountants, managers of foreign economic activity and HR managers, for authorities, and many others branches. It is important for us to integrate into the economic life of the region. To do this, we improve the practice-oriented education: students go through a few internships, so we see which programs to change, how to modify the organization of training. For those who studied well, we help find jobs during the first months. In order not to re-educate graduates on job, we work in advance with potential employers. For example, at financial departments we build relationships with many banks. In addition, agreements on cooperation with a number of industrial enterprises have been concluded.

Our graduates work in large banks, corporations, public authorities. For example, among the most famous graduates of Ural State University of Economics are the Minister of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk region Andrey Zlokazov, the Chairman of the Board of OJSC Uraltransbank Valery Zavodov, the Commercial Director of OJSC Ural Airlines Kirill Skuratov, the founder and owner of the Kirovsky supermarket chain Igor Kovpak, president of «Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development» Anton Soloviev, and many others. 

The University, proceeding from the key needs of enterprises and businesses, prepares unique educational programs. A number of specialized departments have been established at USUE: the specialized Department of Antimonopoly Competition Regulation under the Administration of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Sverdlovsk region, the specialized Department Of Merchandizing and Expertise under the Ural Customs Administration and others. The plans are to create new established departments with a number of Ural enterprises. 

I believe that USUE is the most practical and useful university in this respect. And we are ready to support the innovative economy in our region. The Urals is in the top ten of Russian leaders, but it's high time to enter the top three - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region. 

- Very soon, Ural State University of Economics will celebrate an important anniversary - the 50th anniversary. What can you sum up? 

- There are a lot of achievements during this time. The University became a phenomenon in economic and scientific life, and in political sphere. It is important that SINH was founded by the state in the industrial center of the country.Approximately, at the same time, there appeared institutes of national economy in Rostov, Kuibyshev, Baku, Minsk, and Tashkent. 

If we talk about the landmarks, we can mention the second academic building, the three-story base of which was built more than a hundred years ago as a theological seminary - an educational institution that was pass to SINH also for educational activities. In 1981, a new academic building was erected and then dormitories were built. 

An important achievement is scientific schools of economics, finance, logistics, commerce, merchandising, etc. It is important that we employ outstanding teachers and scholars. 

The greatest achievement of the University is that its graduates are in great demand. Many areas of training have not changed over the years, perhaps the names have been slightly corrected, but the essence remains the same.

Our University in its mobility and thirst for knowledge is highly competitive with many European universities. And Ural State University of Economics is striving to hold the bar high. 

July 6, Yakov Silin live on radio «Komsomolskaya Pravda – Ural» Yekaterinburg told about the beginning of the admission campaign, interaction of the University with industrial enterprises of the region, and about the anniversary of the University.

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