USUE Rector Yakov Silin: USUE is the ninth in Russia!

Komsomolskaya Pravda - Ural, 18.01.18

In 2017, one of the leading universities in the Urals area turned 50 years old. USUE Rector Yakov Silin told Komsomolskaya Pravda what the jubilee year was remembered for and what the new academic year has in store for the students and faculty staff.

- Yakov Petrovich, what did the expiring year stick in memory for?

- We conducted large-scale events, improved University facilities, introduced an efficient point rating system for evaluating the work of the staff ... This affected the number of people wishing to study and the quality of education. As of December 1, 2017, the University had 17,000 students. Last year, in terms of the quality of internal financial management, USUE took the 9th place among the universities of Russia! We teach economists, financiers, and managers, so our internal system should be built in the best way.

- Tell us please about the point rating system.

- A faculty member receives points for the contribution to the educational and scientific process: these are research, participation in conferences, and publications in peer-reviewed journals. His or her work is also assessed by colleagues and students. The points are converted into money. Today, 55% of our faculty members receive monthly bonuses. The results are as follows: only this year the research indices have grown twofold!

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In 2017, one of the leading universities in the Urals area turned 50 years old. USUE Rector Yakov Silin told Komsomolskaya Pravda what the jubilee year was remembered for and what the new academic year has in store for the students and faculty staff.

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