The desire to build a career as soon as possible and to become financially independent motivates young people to find a job while still at university. Once upon a time, at best, full-time students earned a little money on the side, then, in their senior years, more often they got permanent jobs, and now, even first-year students come to job fairs - combining study with work has become the order of the day. The interest of business in young job seekers under an acute labor shortage is quite understandable. How do they evaluate the new trend in educational institutions? Does it interfere with mastering the curriculum or, on the contrary, help in preparing a future specialist? A small survey by RG showed that most university leaders support this desire of young people (Editing Office of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 28.03.2024).

However, the rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin, does not really welcome employment during training, especially for students of the lower division, because it is almost impossible for them to find a job in their field.

“Well, what kind of economist or financier is he in his first year? A student comes to a university to study and must successfully complete a training program that has been tailored for them. Being distracted by work, you miss out on something that you can never make up for later. What’s the point of running ahead of the locomotive?” he reasons.

Of course, the rector stipulates that he means those guys whose family’s financial situation allows them to study without being distracted by work. Unfortunately, many simply do not have this opportunity, especially if they also have to pay for training. It is difficult to combine these two activities, and often students, especially if they have already started a family, went down without completing their studies. Later, many regret this, realizing that the lack of knowledge and lack of a degree becomes a hindrance: younger colleagues who have received full education are ahead of you in professional and career growth.

“Therefore, if the family situation is not critical, earn money on weekends and holidays, but not at the expense of your studies. Study just in right time so you don’t regret it later,” Yakov Silin summed up.

More details

Commentary by USUE Rector Yakov Silin (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 03/28/2024).

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