The article We Stay Ahead by USUE Rector Yakov Silin in the magazine Delovaya Rossiya

Ural State University of Economics is the leading economic university in the region. The chosen path of development - new forms of training, close connection with scientific and production agencies, participation of students in business projects - allows the University to respond to the challenges of the time ahead of others.

For a half-century history, the University graduated more than 110,000 specialists. Today, more than 18,000 persons study at the University..

The territory of science

One of the key activities of Ural State University of Economics is the development of research: increasing achievements in this field, stimulating and supporting the activities of scientists, especially young scientists and students, postgraduate and doctoral schools.

Today youth has a great intellectual potential, corresponding to the spirit of the times, modern needs of the country's economy. Students of the University have traditionally been one of the most active participants in all-Russian competitions, organized by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers. Among them there are holders of scholarships of the Governor and the Government of the Sverdlovsk region, and of a special scholarship granted by the President of the Russian Federation.

Annually the University hosts about 20 scientific international and all-Russian conferences, and scientific readings. At such discussion platforms, doctoral students and postgraduate degrees seekers not only share their experience but also find new ideas for future work.

The exchange of experience and opinions makes it possible to move their research more productively.

There are 50 grants for young scientists at USUE - this is a very significant financial support. Mutually beneficial agreements for the preparation of candidate and doctoral dissertations are being concluded. Grants for doctoral students in the amount of 300 thousand rubles can be received within three years. Teachers that defended Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations have a guaranteed place of work for at least five years.

The University carries out research in the framework of more than 120 R & D, grants, and projects under federal targeted programs. Two journals are published at Ural State University of Economics, which are included in the list of leading scientific (VAK) journals. In the near future, another scientific journal, electronic one, will be established. At the university there are two dissertational councils on economic and technical sciences.

Following the course of dialogue

Special attention at USUE is paid to international cooperation. Today, students from 32 countries of the world are studying at the university.

The University runs the project "Hour of Diplomat", within the framework of which the University has already been visited by consuls of Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, Spain and the Czech Republic. Interaction between USUE and diplomatic missions allows attracting active youth of foreign countries to participate in the educational programs of the University.

Since 2009, USUE has hosted Eurasian Economic Youth Forum; over seven years more than 15 thousand people from 70 countries took part in it. The forum is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Rosmolodezh, and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region. Participants are schoolchildren, students, postgraduates, young scientists, and specialists from 16 to 35 years old. This year the Forum will be held on April 19-21, its theme is "Eurasian Space: Good-Neighborliness and Strategic Partnership".

It is important to develop communication skills with representatives of different ethnic groups, countries, societies, and religious confessions. Teachers need to be able to teach everyone, because the language of economics is universal.

Ural State University of Economics is a powerful, modern, dynamically developing scientific and educational center. Based on the accumulated experience, scientific potential and results achieved, the University is continuously improving. USUE key advantage is qualitative training of high-skilled specialists in the field of economics, finance, food technologies, IT, merchandising, logistics, service and tourism, and catering. USUE is one of the leading economic universities of the country.

Ural State University of Economics is the leading economic university in the region. The chosen path of development - new forms of training, close connection with scientific and production agencies, participation of students in business projects - allows the University to respond to the challenges of the time ahead of others.

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