Yakov Silin gave an interview to Oblastnaya Gazeta: The Urals goes through a crucial point

The Urals is rightly seen as one of the most powerful and developed regions. The USUE  Rector  Yakov Silin  told OG what are the future prospects of the Sverdlovsk region.

- Yakov Petrovich, you have repeatedly talked about embedding your University into the economy of the region. How is this process going on?

- For fifty years, the University has been training high-skilled specialists, perfectly adapting to the developing industries: economists, financiers, accountants, managers, and many others. In order not to spend extra time for retraining of graduates on job, we work in advance with potential employers: we organize practices and internships for students; we adjust our educational programs, etc. We have many agreements with industrial enterprises and banks. We seek to combine practice (from the part of an enterprise) with theory (from the part of the University). The signed agreements are just the beginning. We build cooperation in the field of personnel training, conduct researches and cooperate in the social and humanitarian sphere. I believe that students should write term and graduation papers under the guidance of experienced specialists.This will allow young people to understand what is expected of them on future job.

- What companies does USUE cooperate today?

- This year, during Innoprom the University signed an agreement with the Kalinin Engineering Plant. We will also cooperate with the factories in research and development activities. We are fruitfully working with Uralvagonzavod. Recently, the University, together with the G.V. Plekhanov RUE published a textbook "Business Economics", based on the experience of this enterprise. Besides, we plan to cooperate with Technopark "Universitetsky". It can give USUE a platform for students’ and teachers’ personal fulfillment. We involve entrepreneurs, leading business coaches, mentors, and experts to create conditions for scientific and project activities for students and postgraduates. Together, we will develop and promote promising ideas in various sectors of the economy.

- Yakov Petrovich, soon we are expecting the election of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. What is your position?

- The University supports E. Kuyvashev and wishes him victory. In May, Yevgeny Vladimirovich at a meeting of the regional political council of the party "United Russia", which was held at USUE, announced that he would run for the Governor.

While many people complain of a bad time, crises, recessions, sanctions, Kuyvashev proposed a project "Five-Year Plan of Development." Today we are entering the top 10 best regions in many respects. Yevgeny Vladimirovich believes that we should be in the top three. Our University has the opportunity to become one of the significant instruments for implementing this project. USUE is ready to support an innovative economy in our region.

- Did you communicate with students on the topic of elections? Are they going to vote?

- Within the University, we try to convey to the youth that participation in elections is important. This is an issue to everyone. The fate of the region, the direction of its development is being decided. We determine who will make decisions affecting the whole region. People should make the right choice.

- You have already mentioned the project of Yevgeny Vladimirovich "The Five-Year Plan of Development". The program is very ambitious. Do you think this is justified?

- I have known Yevgeny Vladimirovich for a long time; we had worked with him. I can say that these plans are quite feasible. The claims made by the acting Governor, are founded on a real basis. A strong region should have ambitions. We have the right to afford this: we have a developed infrastructure, rich intellectual potential, many valuable specialists, strong financial institutions and resources. For example, more than one hundred and sixty countries have contacts with the region. We have several thousand enterprises that work with other countries; many western firms have opened their representative offices here. We enter the top 20 territories with the most high-tech industries in the world. Just look at the scale of the construction in the Urals and at agriculture development in the region. Believe it or not but the most industrial region of Russia is on the fifth place in milk yield. The acting Governor has already said that we are facing a serious choice. The Urals goes through a crucial point. We need a verified solution. The choice is ours. We cannot make a mistake!

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The Urals is rightly seen as one of the most powerful and developed regions. The USUE Rector Yakov Silin told OG what are the future prospects of the Sverdlovsk region.

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