Business as profession

Pervouralsk Media holding, 4.12.17

Future entrepreneurs, participants of the Pervouralsk School of Business and defended their projects aimed at the benefit of the city and its residents.

By this day, eight months passed, during which they met with successful businessmen of Pervouralsk, visited large and small enterprises, and got knowledge about entrepreneurship at first-hand.

Irina Balabanova, teacher of the economics of Lyceum 21, "A Lyceum student, who graduated two years ago, today is a USUE student and already has his own business".

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Будущие предприниматели, участники первоуральской «Школы бизнеса» защищали свои проекты, направленные на благо города и его жителей. Медиахолдинг Первоуральска, 4.12.17

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