Yekaterinburg-2035: authorities make plans for the prosperity of the city

Information portal of Yekaterinburg, 06.10.17.

Andrei Koryukov, Deputy Head of Strategic Planning, Economic Affairs and Finance at the Administration of Yekaterinburg, held a discussion of revised editions of lines of Yekaterinburg development until 2035 covered by the Strategic Plan: «Yekaterinburg the Inter-Regional Innovation-Oriented Industrial and Financial Center» and «Development of Civil Society and Local Government.»

The second line was presented to the expert community by Olga Kotlyarova, deputy chief of the Information and Analytical Department at the Yekaterinburg Administration and Elena Zaborova, chair of the USUE Department of Applied Sociology.

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Andrei Koryukov, Deputy Head of Strategic Planning, Economic Affairs and Finance at the Administration of Yekaterinburg, held a discussion of revised editions of lines of Yekaterinburg development until 2035 covered by the Strategic Plan: «Yekaterinburg the Inter-Regional Innovation-Oriented Industrial and Financial Center» and «Development of Civil Society and Local Government.»

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