Consul of Bulgaria: Sanctions had no impact on trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Bulgaria

Oblastnaya Gazeta, 13.02.2018

Such a statement was made by Bulgaria's Consul in Yekaterinburg, Plamen Petkov, at a meeting with USUE students. As the organizer of the event told to OG, the diplomat noted that the mutual restrictive economic measures of the European Union and Russia had no impact on the Russian-Bulgarian trade and economic cooperation.

It is worth mentioning that after the introduction of sanctions, bilateral turnover has not decreased but doubled.

"There is a stereotype that Bulgaria is pepper, canned goods, lecsó, wine, and sea," the diplomat began the meeting. "This is not fully in line with reality. Today our countries' cooperation is much more diverse."

He also stressed that the potential of cooperation was not exhausted, and development prospects should be sought in those areas in which our countries had cooperated in the Soviet era. Ural machine builders can participate in the modernization of production facilities that had been created by the USSR in Bulgaria and are still working.

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Such a statement was made by Bulgaria's Consul in Yekaterinburg, Plamen Petkov, at a meeting with USUE students. As the organizer of the event told to OG, the diplomat noted that the mutual restrictive economic measures of the European Union and Russia had no impact on the Russian-Bulgarian trade and economic cooperation. Oblastnaya Gazeta, 13.02.2018

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