USUE international conference attracted the attention of journalists

Following the results of the first day of the 2nd International scientific-practical conference "Ural – 21st Century: Region of Innovative Development ",  there was held a press conference for the media with the participation of the USUE Rector Yakov Silin and Vice President, Director of the Free Economic Society of Russia Margarita Ratnikova (Moscow) .

The culmination of this landmark event, which attracted the attention of more than 200 participants, was the constituent conference of the interregional public organization Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia. It formed the governing bodies of the new organization: the Board, Presidium, and Audit Committee.

It is natural that most of the journalists' questions concerned this particular event. Responding to them, USUE Rector Yakov Silin said,

“The new organization covers Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. Members of this organization will have to coordinate efforts to develop and strengthen the economy of the Urals, address the most important issues of economic development, popularize economic knowledge, and support the work of young economists.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin was elected the President of the Ural branch of VEO of Russia, and Andrei Bessedin, President of the Ural Chamber of Commerce, took the post of Vice President.

Vice-President of the Free Economic Society of Russia Margarita Ratnikova accentuated the attention of the press that Ural State University of Economics was chosen as the basic professional platform for the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society by good reason.

- High standards of education and the quality of students' training, the level of the faculty, prompt response to the demands of the real sector of the economy favorably distinguish USUE from other universities. The financial school of the entire Ural is concentrated in this university. The largest number of Ph.D. holders and doctors of economics in the Ural-Siberian region is also concentrated at USUE. A strong scientific school having formed over 50 years is one of the serious reasons that determined the professional platform for the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia.

Besides, the speakers gave some comments on the role of VEO of Russia in creating new spatial and economic forms of development of the industrial Urals - the territories of priority development and special economic zones, and on the participation of the Economic Society in the development of the technological re-equipment of industry for a new industrialization.

Speaking about the problems of re-industrialization and new industrialization of the Ural industrial region, USUE Rector Yakov Silin outlined the vector of development, "We need to actively transfer the industry to nanotechnologies, digitalization, robotics, and introduction of high technologies. The Big Ural is predisposed to these innovations objectively. In Europe, labor productivity is 4-6 times higher than in Russia, in the United States - 8 times. We have much to do in this direction but it is necessary to accelerate. "

At the end of the press conference, the journalists took the opportunity to ask experts about crypto ruble issue, the effects of economic sanctions, and others.

Following the results of the first day of the 2nd International scientific-practical conference "Ural – 21st Century: Region of Innovative Development ", there was held a press conference for the media with the participation of the USUE Rector Yakov Silin and Vice President, Director of the Free Economic Society of Russia Margarita Ratnikova (Moscow) .

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