Letters and postcards to beloved mothers are offered to send in Yekaterinburg

Vesti-Ural, November 1, 2017

The first to send congratulations to mothers were students of Ural State University of Economics. The charity action started on the eve of Mother’s Day: in Russia, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. «In everyday life, I’m restrained in emotions and scant of kind words, but I can express my love to my mother through a letter. She will be very pleased, because in our time we write letters rarely, or, to be precise, we write to nobody, and in their time they used to, so I think she would be glad when coming home, open the mailbox and find a letter from me,» Anastasia Kursanina, a USUE student, said.

There is still some time before November 26, so postcards will have time to reach addressees. The action «Letter to Mom» is annually held at USUE, this year already for the seventh time. This year more than 3,000 postcards and envelopes were prepared for it. To write and send greetings will be possible in another three points of Yekaterinburg: Polzunov College, shopping centers «KomsoMALL» and «Fan Fan» from 1 to 3 November. Anyone can take part in the action. Moreover, postcards, envelopes and postage stamps are provided free of charge.

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The first to send congratulations to mothers were students of Ural State University of Economics. The charity action started on the eve of Mother’s Day: in Russia, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Vesti-Ural, November 1, 2017

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