Searchers from all over the Urals will show their findings in Yekaterinburg

Monday, March 5, search groups from all over the Ural Federal District will arrive in Yekaterinburg. Associations engaged in the search of WWII soldiers remains on the battlefields will share experience and achievements with each other and will present to Yekaterinburg residents their most valuable findings.

According to the Governor’s information policy department, the opening of the meeting of UFD branches of the Search Movement of Russia will be held at the USUE Recreation Center. The same day, at 17:00 at "Russia is My Story" multimedia historical park (49, Narodnaya Volya Street), the opening of the exhibition "Names from ID Tags" will take place. The exhibition telling about the fate of missing-in-action soldiers restored by search groups will become part of one of the permanent museum expositions.

Vecherny Yekaterinburg, 03/04/2018

Monday, March 5, search groups from all over the Ural Federal District will arrive in Yekaterinburg. Associations engaged in the search of WWII soldiers remains on the battlefields will share experience and achievements with each other and will present to Yekaterinburg residents their most valuable findings.

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