Professionals and practitioners have joined forces

In a solemn atmosphere, USUE Rector Yakov Silin, general director of AO "RSG-Academicheskoye" Viktor Kiselev, and general director of ZAO "UK-Academichesky" Nikolai Smirnyagin signed a trilateral agreement on cooperation.

The document provides for joint work on the organization of scientific conferences, roundtables, seminars, and other events. It is planned to carry out scientific research in the field of economics, management, and marketing, as well as advanced training and retraining of employees of JSC "RSG-Academicheskoye" and ZAO "UK Akademichesky".

 “The task of the University is to prepare an economist for a specific field. We want students to be trained by professional practitioners who obtain good methodology. They will be part of the examination committee and will evaluate students' theses. Starting from the next year, our faculty members will undertake mandatory internships in the sector of the economy for which they train graduates. The lecturers should know the "inside" of the industry - this will help to bridge the gap between education and labor market needs. By uniting the efforts of a giant builder, a powerful housing management company, and the potential of the University, we will prove to the society, especially to the youth, that it is prestigious, profitable and honorable to work in the housing and communal sphere!” Yakov Silin said.

Viktor Kiselev thanked Yakov Silin for the fact that two years ago USUE was the first university to take responsibility for training professionals for housing and communal services. According to him, this complex industry desperately needs competent specialists who would understand the municipal economy as a single mechanism.

Nikolai Smirnyagin told that more than 600 specialists work for the housing management company "Akademichesky", most of them are in need of high qualification. "Complex equipment, an introduction of rapidly developing IT technologies, and a system of social relationships with consumers of services require new kind of knowledge and competencies. One of the best economic universities in the country is ready to help us to master new professional standards," he said.

The officials signed an agreement on the establishment of a specialized department at the developer company "RSG-Academichesloye" and the housing management company "Akademichesky". One of the areas of joint activity will be scientific research. It could be the analysis and improvement of the marketing system of housing and communal services, the development of tariffs for utilities, the improvement of the methodology of tariff and price formation for housing and communal services, and others.

In general, jointly developed educational programs, supported by systemic practice, will help the University to train high-skilled specialists in the field of construction, housing, and communal services.

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In a solemn atmosphere, USUE Rector Yakov Silin, general director of AO "RSG-Academicheskoye" Viktor Kiselev, and general director of ZAO "UK-Academichesky" Nikolai Smirnyagin signed a trilateral agreement on cooperation.

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