NPOA experts will evaluate USUE graduates’ degree theses

TASS-Ural, 2.11.17

Practitioners of Yekaterinburg enterprises of Roskosmos – N.A. Semikhatov Scientific and Production Association of Automatics  (Russian abbreviation – NPOA) - will evaluate the degree works of USUE graduates, and the University will offer a special course of retraining for NPOA employees. This was agreed on Thursday between NPOA CEO Andrey Misura and USUE Rector Yakov Silin at the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the company and the University. This was reported by the NPOA’s PR Department.

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Practitioners of Yekaterinburg enterprises of Roskosmos – N.A. Semikhatov Scientific and Production Association of Automatics (Russian abbreviation – NPOA) - will evaluate the degree works of USUE graduates, and the University will offer a special course of retraining for NPOA employees. TASS-Ural, 2.11.17

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