Vesti-Ural, 20.09.2017

First-person military history. The previous day, the students of Ural State University of Economics met with the youngest hero of Russia, Yekaterinburg citizen Sergei Mylnikov. In August 2008, in the city of Tskhinvali, he defended Russian peacekeepers from units of Georgian troops.

In the classroom, he could hardly be distinguished from a student. Only a Golden Star on his jacket makes it clear that this was not an ordinary person but the youngest Russian hero Sergei Mylnikov. 31-year-old young man was modest about his feat. However, it was Sergeant Mylnikov who, on August 9, 2008, defended Russian peacekeepers from Georgian troops in the South Ossetia city of Tskhinvali. "We arrived to rescue on four tanks. About 10 hours we were holding defensively," Sergei Mylnikov recalls.

In one of the moments of the battle, Sergei Mylnikov, at the order of the commander, used the element of suddenness. Having found a soft spot in the enemy's position, the sergeant on his tank began to lay a corridor through it to promote the peacekeepers to disentangle. "They hit me with RPG 7. They were afraid that we would start shooting: they did not know that I was alone in the tank and that I could not shoot but only drive. Frightened, they have abandoned their positions and scattered away," Hero of the Russian Federation Sergei Mylnikov told.

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First-person military history. The previous day, the students of Ural State University of Economics met with the youngest hero of Russia, Yekaterinburg citizen Sergei Mylnikov. In August 2008, in the city of Tskhinvali, he defended Russian peacekeepers from units of Georgian troops. Vesti-Ural, 20.09.2017

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