A meeting of regional branches of the Search Movement of Russia kicked off in Yekaterinburg

In Yekaterinburg, a meeting of regional branches of the Search Movement of Russia started. This year the organization turns 30 years old. The projects on perpetuating the memory of the fallen are one of the main areas of its work.

The activists of six regional branches of the search movement of Russia take part in the meeting. In the Urals, there are 48 search teams and 17 archival groups. For 30 years of work, only Sverdlovsk searchers have raised and reburied the remains of 16 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army, restored 2,5 thousand names and their front destinies. Most of the activists are high school and university students. They work with archival records and participate in expeditions.

OTV, 03/05/2018

В Екатеринбурге стартовал слет региональных отделений поискового движения России. В этом году организации исполняется 30 лет. Проекты по увековечиванию памяти погибших – одно из основных направлений работы.

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