USUE will discuss the importance of the Urals in the fate of Nicholas II, the Civil War and Revolution

Moskovskiy Komsomolets, 10/02/2017

October 25,  Ural State University of Economics will host Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Ural in the fate of the Romanovs" devoted to the preparation for the centenary of the royal family shooting.

The conference will be attended by Peter Multatuli, Ph.D. in history, great-grandson of Ivan Kharitonov, senior cook of emperor’s kitchen, who was killed together with the royal family in the Ipatiev House on July 17, 1918. Besides, a speaker at the event will be Veniamin Alexeyev, adviser of the RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences. He is a well-known expert on the history of industrial development of the Urals and Siberia, problems of regional, social, demographic and industrial development of the Asian part of Russia.

As the USUE press service reports, at the conference it is planned to highlight economic and legal aspects of in the context of revolutionary events, to identify the role of the Ural in the fate of the Romanov dynasty. Besides, it is planned to evaluate all the consequences of 1917 and supply a range of topical issues.

The main lines of the conference are: firstly, it is planned to raise the topic of Russia and the revolution (Ural in the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, was there a crisis? The state of the Russian Empire on the eve of the revolution). Secondly, the Ural in the vortex of the civil war (the economic and military-political situation in the Ural during the Civil War, evolution of ideas about the Imperial Family in 1917, and "Revolutionary Legality." Matters of legislation evolution in 1917). Thirdly, "Yekaterinburg remains" - the investigation and organization of criminal proceedings during the civil war in the Ural.


October 25, Ural State University of Economics will host Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Ural in the fate of the Romanovs" devoted to the preparation for the centenary of the royal family shooting. Moskovskiy Komsomolets, 10/02/2017

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