About a thousand freshers began to study at the Yekaterinburg university, which is training the gold reserve of the country

Moscow Komsomolets, 09/01/2017

This year, Ural State University of Economics was joined by almost a thousand freshmen. Besides Russians, representatives of the CIS countries, Europe, Africa and Asia entered USUE, which Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, called the alma mater training "the gold reserve of the country”.

At the celebratory assembly that took place on the square in front of USUE, the Rector of the University Yakov Silin stated that all students who entered this year will go down in history, as they began to study at the University in its jubilee year.

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В этом году Уральский государственный экономический университет пополнился почти тысячью первокурсников. В УрГЭУ, который врио губернатора Свердловской области Евгений Куйвашев назвал кузницей для подготовки «золотого резерва страны», помимо россиян поступили представители стран СНГ, Европы, Африки и Азии. Московский комсомолец, 01.09.2017

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