Live and learn! High school students of Revda have been told about earning of higher education at USUE

Revda-News, 02.05.2018

February 1, in Revda, tenth- and eleventh-grade students were told about the benefits of higher education. School number 10 was visited by students of Ural State University of Economics: they informed high school students about professions that can be acquired at their university.

Andrey Zenkov, a student of Ural State University of Economics:

- We came to school number 10 in order to tell the school leavers about our University, about our specialties, what we are taught, and what we are prepared for to interest them and invite to study at our University.

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February 1, in Revda, tenth- and eleventh-grade students were told about the benefits of higher education. School number 10 was visited by students of Ural State University of Economics: they informed high school students about professions that can be acquired at their university. Revda-News, 02.05.2018

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