Around the world in 7 days

OTV, 20.11.17

From 20 to 25 November, Yekaterinburg hosts a cultural festival «Around the World in 7 Days.» Let’s learn the details of the project at our guests — the Chairperson of the Association of International Students of Yekaterinburg Elchin Amiran ogly Rasulov and activist Serge Dalo Peguy from Côte d’Ivoire.

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From 20 to 25 November, Yekaterinburg hosts a cultural festival «Around the World in 7 Days.» Let’s learn the details of the project at our guests — the Chairperson of the Association of International Students of Yekaterinburg Elchin Amiran ogly Rasulov and activist Serge Dalo Peguy from C?te d’Ivoire. OTV, 20.11.17

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