Graduation album: on Students Day the universities of Yekaterinburg met with well-known graduates

Е1.RU, 25.01.18

Each Yekaterinburg university has its own bank of prominent graduates, well-known both in Yekaterinburg and in Russia. They are always on TV screens, occupy high positions in the government, earn millions, but once they were simple students. At nights they were preparing for exams, were afraid of strict teachers, so in general, they did not differ from young people who study at these universities now.

USPU, REVPU, and UrSMU  can boast of Olympic champions: - skater Yulia Skokova, swimmers Nikita Lobintsev and Danila Izotov, USFEU and USURT – of famous throughout the country KVN players - Vyacheslav Myasnikov and Sergei Svetlakov. Ural Institute of Management, branch of RANEPA, graduated the most officials: among them the current governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin and the head of Yekaterinburg Administration Alexander Yakob. Among   USAAA’s graduates, besides respected architects, there are a rock star Vyacheslav Butusov and movie director Vladimir Khotinenko, and in the "serious" list of SINH alumni, one can find a Comedy Club resident Alexander Nezlobin.

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Each Yekaterinburg university has its own bank of prominent graduates, well-known both in Yekaterinburg and in Russia. They are always on TV screens, occupy high positions in the government, earn millions, but once they were simple students. At nights they were preparing for exams, were afraid of strict teachers, so in general, they did not differ from young people who study at these universities now. Е1.RU, 25.01.18

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