Sports-ground for passing the GTO tests from ASSC of Russia

Ural State University of Economics won the All-Russian competition of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia (ASSC Russia) and received a certificate for the construction of an open-air ground "Studzachet ASSC Russia."

From February to May 2017, more than 200 student sports clubs (SSC) participated in the contest for the construction of an open-air ground under the aegis of the Association. From the Ural Federal District, about 30 clubs submitted applications. Members of the expert jury selected eight of the best teams from eight federal districts, including USUE. Besides Yekaterinburg, such grounds will be equipped in Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Sevastopol, Kursk, Vladikavkaz, and St. Petersburg.

The chair of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of ASSC Russia Alyona Vertiprakhova noted that the contest was held for the second year. «The jury carefully assessed the work of the SSC to attract media, participants, and events holding within the framework of the ASSC, table tennis, chess, volleyball and mini-football championships. Since this year, a basketball championship 3×3 has been added. In addition, the contest committee considered the clubs participating in the ASSC events, patriotic camps, and forums,» Alyona Vertiprakhova said.

This year, Ural State University of Economics was an organizer of the regional championship of ASSC Russia in chess, basketball and table tennis. The USUE Vice-Rector for social work Roman Krasnov stressed that the certificate for the construction of an open-air ground «Studzachet ASSC Russia» confirms the high assessment of our University. «I propose to meet on September 16 at the opening of a new ASSC ground next to the dormitories in the Umeltsev StreetRoman Krasnov invited the students.

The ground will be equipped with horizontal bars, benches for push-ups and stretching. Both children and adults will be able to train long-jump, pull up and sit on the splits there.

After the ceremony of presentation of the certificate, USUE students took part in the All-Russian flashmob «6072». Through several attempts, the students made 6072 push-ups. Just so many sets of medals were won at the Olympic Games over their history.

Ural State University of Economics won the All-Russian competition of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia (ASSC Russia) and received a certificate for the construction of an open-air ground «Studzachet ASSC Russia.»

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