

USUE develops a system of continuing education in the Urals

November 22, at USUE there were signed cooperation agreements on continuing education between the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk region, Ural State University of Economics and colleges of the region.

Future career concern: USUE students met with an official of the Federal Tax Service

The USUE Division of Interaction with Employers regularly arranges meetings with employers for senior students. Today there was held a meeting with the deputy chief of the Inspection office of the Federal Tax Service for Verkh-Iset district of Yekaterinburg, an adviser to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation Marina Matveeva.

Everybody dances: USUE hosted a creative “kapustnik”

Сегодня Уральский государственный экономический университет открыл новый творческий сезон. Коллективы Дома культуры вуза презентовали новые танцевальные и вокальные номера.

Exhibition of nations was held at USUE

Today, at Ural State University of Economics , students from 15 countries showed their national attributes: holiday clothes and musical instruments, arts and crafts, books and customs. There was no way to do without national cuisines: Chinese naan, Turkmen bogurshak, Mexican torta- ahogada, Yakut aladi, Georgian sujuk, Mongolian buuz, Afghan nakhod - these dishes could be tasted at the cultural festival. Together with USUE students, students of Ural State Medical University, Ural Federal University, and other educational institutions danced lezghinka and listened to drumming.

The Institution of Man is 10 years old!

In November 2017, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (Russian abbreviation — ENIICH). In connection with this, on November 23 at 12:00 in USUE classroom 152, a jubilee meeting of ENIICH will be held. The topic of the meeting is «Man and Society: Results and Prospects of Interaction».

Strengthening relations with Hungary: Sergey Rogozhin became an Honorary Professor of the University of Duna?jv?ros

The USUE delegation visited Duna?jv?ros University (Hungary) to agree on specific areas of cooperation. During the visit, Vice President for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the University of Duna?jv?ros for his work for cooperation between the universities.

"I always had a dream to visit your University": USUE met with Yuri Ponomarev

Today, students and teachers of Ural State University of Economics met with Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, State Councilor of Justice of the 1st class Yuri Ponomarev. The hosts of the meeting were USUE Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov and Vice-Rector for Property Management Vladimir Kuligin.

We develop tennis: USUE student brought «silver» from the Russian Championship

A student of Ural State University of Economics Konstantin Kislitsyn won «silver» at the Championship of Russia among persons with mobility disabilities. Competitions were held from November 18 to 20 in Cheboksary (Chuvash Republic).

«As much we are tight-knit, so strong we are»

At Ural State University of Economics, the culture festival «Around the World in 7 Days» was launched. Today, representatives of different countries discussed international problems and projects and learned to dance lezghinka.

In the museum, students learned about daily routine of Sverdlovsk police

The students started their trip to the history of the internal affairs bodies of the region from the Hall of Glory, where, as the curator of the museum’s funds Sergey Ankudinov explained, «the first thing of the museum» — the Red Banner of Internal Affairs is in permanent safekeeping. After that, the students watched a short video about the harsh routine of police services and units.

We are learning history: USUE students took part in a Night of Museums

November 18, the Museum of History of Yekaterinburg hosted a city action «Night of Museums». The guides acquainted the guests with permanent and temporary expositions of the Museum and showed the works of finalists of the children drawings contest.

We are looking for a dream job, we are playing and we are solving problems: Yekaterinburg hosted the forum "Professional Growth"

The youth forum "Professional Growth" was held in Yekaterinburg on November 17. Students and graduates of Yekaterinburg universities participated in master classes, trainings, and business games, undertook career-oriented computer testing, wrote and checked resumes together with career coaches.

USUE hosts the conference dedicated to the anniversary of Valery Poznyakovsky

Today, Ural State University of Economics gathered eminent representatives of food industry. Technologists and scientists come from all over Russia for a conference devoted to the anniversary of the Honored Worker of Russian Federation Valery Poznyakovsky, professor at the USUE Department of Food Technologies, Doctor of Biology. Many of the participants know Valery Mikhailovich as a mentor and teacher.

"Cities of Russia 2030: Crossroads of Opportunities"

November 16, professors and members of the USUE Council of Young Scientists took part as moderators and participants in the sections of All-Russian Forum of Strategic Development "Cities of Russia 2030: Crossroads of Opportunities"

Half a century of the University history: Disko for freshers

USUE Museum section "Half a Century of the University History". Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to

5th Interactive Congress of undergraduates and graduate students has finished

16 ноября по итогам V Интерактивного Конгресса студентов и магистрантов (ИКСМ) прошел Круглый стол. Конгресс – это научно-исследовательская площадка для обучающихся и преподавателей вуза, а также работодателей, взаимодействующих с УрГЭУ. Интерактивный Конгресс функционирует в режиме онлайн. С 1 по 14 ноября был проведен V ИКСМ (Интерактивный конгресс студентов и магистрантов) по теме «Стратегии инновационного развития: теория и практика». Инициатором и организатором данного мероприятия является кафедра менеджмента УрГЭУ.

USUE students visited "Cherkashin & Partner" production

November 15, students of USUE group of KD-15 and KD-14 took a tour to "Cherkashin & Partner" guided by associate professors at the Department of Commerce, Logistics and Trade Economics Svetlana Tsaregorodtseva and Gleb Savin. The excursion was held by Deputy Director for Development Sergey Perkov.

The task of the personnel reserve is to support the course of industrial innovation

The delegation of Ural State University of Economics took part in the 14th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Professionals named after the chief engineer of the Scientific Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" V. Andronov. The event is devoted to the training of young specialists of the Company with the aim to form personnel reserve capable of solving production issues of innovations and creating competitive products.

Interuniversity scientific and practical videoconference "Current Status and Creation of a Favorable Investment Climate in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan"

November 14, 2017, with the support of the Department of Financial Management of Ural State University of Economics and the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (ENU) there was a meeting of leading scientists and practitioners at the interuniversity scientific and practical videoconference "Current Status and Creation of a Favorable Investment Climate in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan."

Academic staff of USUE is ready to bring Ural defense industry to a new level

Cooperation between enterprises of the defense industry and universities of the Urals should become as practical as possible in terms of training specialists of nondefense occupations. Not only students but also university professors will undertake practical training at defense industry enterprises. This was reported today at a press conference by Director General of NPO Automatics Andrei Misura and Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin.

At USUE, Sverdlovsk members of United Russia discussed the presidential elections

More than 400 participants gathered at the events arranged by Sverdlovsk regional branch of United Russia, which took place at USUE. The University was chosen as the venue because of established fruitful cooperation between the management of the University and the local branch of the party.

All professions are needed: USUE participated in a city vacancy fair

Today Ural State University of Economics took part in the city fair of vacancies and training positions "All professions are needed!" During the day, experts of the USUE Division of Interaction with Employers and the USUE Department of HR Management were establishing business contacts, carrying out consultations on educational opportunities for residents of the city, as well as helping students with professional identity.

"Actors heal the soul by their art": USUE held a concert in the hospital for war veterans

November 15, creative teams of the USUE Recreation Center made a concert in the Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital for veterans of wars.

Results of the Economist’s Week - 2017

USUE has a good tradition to hold a number of events dedicated to the professional holiday - the Economist’s Day. This year the Institute of Economics organized more than 20 events of a new format timed to the International Economist’s Day: a forum, roundtables, public lectures, meet-the-artist events, and mind and business games. The week was bright, eventful, and memorable.

USUE held the Day of 1C:Career

All-Russian Day 1C:Career is held simultaneously in 100 cities of Russia. With the active participation of the USUE Division of Interaction with Employers and Department of Accounting and Auditing, official organizers of the Day of Career in Yekaterinburg were Prime-1C-Yekaterinburg, TSA, Erikos, and Geosoft. Its participants were students of USUE, UrFU, USFEU, Yekaterinburg Economic and Technological College, and Polzunov College.

USUE participated in the exhibition "Education and Profession - 2017" in Tashkent

Irina Martyanova, head of the USUE Office of Admission and Pre-University Training presented a booth of Ural State University of Economics at the exhibition "Education and Profession - 2017", which was held in Tashkent.

USUE Students saw Koltsovo customs from inside

Where does the parcel come, how to find a forbidden cargo and what does the dog do when it finds a narcotic substance? First-year students of the USUE department of International Business learned all these visiting Koltsovo customs on November 14.

Future HR managers visited PwC

First-year students majoring in HR Management at Ural State University of Economics visited PricewaterhouseCoopers. The main topic of discussion was their future profession.

USUE hosted interuniversity stage of the Russian ASSC Championship

11 and 12 November, in the sports complex of Ural State University of Economics there were volleyball matches among women's and men's teams in the framework of the intrauniversity stage of the Russian ASSC Championship.

Experts: "Eurasian integration must be based on education and a new intellectual space"

The discussion of the ways of higher education development in Eurasia was held at the international roundtable "Prospects of Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan in Higher Education." It was organized on the final day of the forum on cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in Chelyabinsk on November 9 at the initiative of the Eurasian Commonwealth Fund for Social and Economic Development with the assistance of the Faculty of Eurasia and East at Chelyabinsk State University.

USUE students learn the subtleties of future profession

Recently, students of TiE-16 group of Ural State Economic University under the guidance of Svetlana Tsaregorodtseva, associate professor of the Department of Commerce, Logistics and Trade Economics, took a tour to the supermarket Hyperbola, which is located in the shopping center "Greenwich". The tour was conducted by the HR Director Natalia Sangalova.

"Innovator’s Navigator ": USUE students learned how to build one’s own business in 15 minutes

Впервые Школа открытого университета Сколково провела в Екатеринбурге программу для стартапов и предпринимателей «Навигатор инноватора». Освоить интенсивный курс образовательной программы посчастливилось 95 участникам со всей Свердловской области – именно их заявки были отобраны экспертами. В числе прошедших конкурсный отбор было пять студентов УрГЭУ и руководитель бизнес-мастерской по социальной работе университета доцент Людмила Еговцева.

Guided tour over industrial Urals as part of the Economist’s Week

The USUE Economist’s Week has ended. This year it became even more eventful and useful due to a new format of events, among which was a tour over the industrial Urals.

School of Activists - 2017

This weekend there was held the traditional "School of Activists" for USUE freshers.

Long-awaited cups and prizes were received today by future world chess stars

Ural State University of Economics hosted the final of the UFD Chess Championship among boys and girls under 11 and 13 years, as well as teenage boys and girls up to 15, 17 and 19 years. More than 500 best chess players from the region took part in the competitions.

Management and maintenance of apartment buildings was discussed at USUE

Within the framework of the first International Scientific and Practical Forum «Housing and Communal Services and Quality of Life in the 21st Century: Economic Models, New Technologies, and Management Practices», experts discussed various problems of inspections, operation, and management of apartment buildings. The master classes are aimed at attendees who are already involved in housing and communal services.

USUE discussed concession agreements in housing and communal services

As part of the first International Scientific and Practical Forum «Housing and Communal Services and Quality of Life in the 21st Century: Economic Models, New Technologies, and Management Practices», a roundtable «Current Aspects of Implementing Concession Agreements in Housing and Communal Services» was held.

Half a century of the University history: SINH construction project

USUE Museum section «Half a Century of the University History». Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to

USUE athletes took part in the 1st All-Russian competition of student Sambo teams, devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad

Competitions were held in in the Sports Palace of Volgograd Trade Unions on November 3 and 4. The host party was Volgograd State University. Teams of 13 universities from different regions took part in the competitions that were organized within the project «Student Sambo League».

First International scientific and practical forum «Housing and communal services and the quality of life in the 21st century: economic models, new technologies and management practices»

Today USUE hosted the forum dedicated to aspects and development of housing and communal services. Within the framework of the forum, there will be a discussion of algorithms of innovative economic models, ideas, solutions and best management practices in the area of housing and communal services. The organizers note that it is a good time to hold the forum as this year the University celebrates its 50th anniversary, November 9 is the World Quality Day, November 10 is the World Science Day, and November 11 is the Economist’s Day. Among the speakers, there are officials of state authorities, education and science, SROs, and housing management companies.

USUE became a platform for discussion of corporate governance

Representatives of science and business of Warsaw (Poland), Moscow, Karpinsk, Yekaterinburg, and Chelyabinsk gathered at USUE to discuss new trends in corporate governance and business development. The international scientific and practical conference was held as part of the Economist’s Week.

Today USUE Rector Yakov Silin takes part in the meeting of Council of Rectors of Russian Universities

The event is held within the Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan with the participation of the Presidents of both countries. The participants will discuss such important issues as the development of strategic partnerships between universities of both countries, improving the competitiveness of education, and others.

USUE Students learned about problems and areas of modern economics development

November 8, undergraduates, graduates and postgraduate students of Ural State University of Economics attended a lecture «Areas of modern economic science development».

Gaming fun for Business: Elena Isayeva held a master class for USUE students

Today USUE students visited a fascinating master class " How to Find and Use Gaming Fun for Business" by Elena Isayeva, Doctor of Economics, professor of Dostoevsky Omsk State University, head of the «Architectonics» business school.

Scientific readings "Scientific Labor Organization: History, Contemporaneity, and Prospects " in memory of Professor MikhailМельнова Melnov

As part of the commemorative events USUE hosted scientific readings dedicated to the memory of Professor Mikhail Melnov, who had chaired the Department of Economics and Labor Organization at the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy and for 23 years had headed scientific school of improving the labor organization in industry at the Urals and had coordinated it in the country.

The first specialized scientific and economic conference «MARKETING AND BRANDING — CHALLENGES OF THE 21st CENTURY»

November 7 and 8, at Ural State University of Economics, representatives of scientific and business community of Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Iraq, Bulgaria, and Russia are discussing important aspects and trends of marketing in the digital economy.

Economist’s Week started at USUE

From November 7 to 11, Ural State University of Economics hosts traditional large-scale events dedicated to the Economist’s Day.

USUE discussed the latest amendments to the Labor Code

A traditional annual seminar «URGENT! Recent changes in labor legislation», held at Ural State University of Economics gathered about a hundred participants from Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. The speaker of the event was the leading business coach of the country, an expert in the field of labor law Valentina Mitrofanova (Moscow).

WorldSkills-2017: Strategy of Staffing of Defense Industry Enterprises

Today there was the roundtable "Strategy of Staffing of Defense Industry Enterprises", where representatives of large production complexes and educators discussed the formation and development of the personnel policy of defense enterprises. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Education of the Sverdlovsk region Yuri Biktuganov. At the roundtable, Ural State University of Economics was represented by Alla Golovina, director of the USUE School of Corporate Education, Valery Dubrovsky, director of the USUE Institute of Economics, and Svetlana Dolzhenko, head of the Human Resources Department.

USUE representatives discussed the issues of development and testing of professional standards in the field of HR management with Moscow experts

Hi-Tech, which is held in the year of the 50th anniversary of USUE, the IV International scientific-practical conference "Staffing of Regional Economy" devoted to "Present and future of professional community in the field of HR management" has started.
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